It’s Not a Glitch – He’s Just That Good

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Hi All,

This is an awesome story of EA Sport’s creativity and real understanding of their user base.

When Levinator25 posted this video on YouTube on Aug 30th 2007, EA Sports had to respond.

It shows a clear glitch in the game PGA Tour 08 in which Tiger Woods is taking a “Jesus Shot,” from standing on water.

EA Sports had two options; one was to correct the error rewrite the code and be lame. The other option was to come up with a clever ad to answer to the bug and they did just that, take a look:

This is truly an example of people who understand the end users. Customers love to see that companies also have some humor tucked away behind the corporate bureaucracy and lawyers. This shows some real signs of life and just is, the RIGHT way to go about dealing with a little glitch in the programing code.

Way to go EA Sports!

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