Going to try to revive this blog with some new content. I have some big ideas… Stay tuned.
How Undandy, a Shoe Company in Lisbon, Won Me Over by Simply Caring

Well, this is quite a story. It all started with a simple FB ad, and it ended, well, it hasn’t ended yet, but it has already led to me discovering one of the most remarkable companies I have ever encountered.
12 Israeli Power Couples or Sibling Duos Disrupting Tech on a Global Scale

As Israeli tech continues to evolve from Startup Nation to something a bit more mature, call it Scale-up Nation or Unicorn Nation, I become aware of more and more remarkable people doing extraordinary things to disrupt and enhance our lives.Over the past few years, I have noticed a growing number of couples and siblings who are doing some incredible things and since Israelis are so good at tech and so weak at marketing (Yes, I am generalizing.), chances are you never even heard of half these people, so I figured I would highlight them.
16 Tech Companies that Prove Israel Knows How to Scale Consumer Products

Most people still think Israel can’t do consumer technologies. These 16 companies founded and based in Israel might make you reconsider that position. Read more…
20 Israeli Founders who Are Kicking Some Serious Butt

One of the many perks of doing what I do, (What do I do anyway?) is that I am fortunate to meet people every day from whom I learn and gain expertise in what it means to be a great entrepreneur.
I Failed. Again.

I hereby announce a new trend. Failure. So many events talking about how entrepreneurs failed. Every interviewer now asks about your biggest failures. It’s a thing. Failure. But how many of us really embrace our failures. How many of us are ashamed by our failures and how many of us actually capitalize on them to learn lessons? Well, I know it took me a while to write this post and even as I write these words, I’m not 100% convinced that I will publish it.
What Do I Do? A Detailed Explanation of How I Turned My Passion into a Career!

This post is approximately five years overdue, but enough people have asked me this question, I figured it is time to answer it. “Hillel, what do you actually do?!”
How DJI Has Positioned Itself as the Apple of Drones and Now Dominates the Market

Drones have yet to hit the mainstream, and most consumers you speak to, have never flown a drone. Having said that, if the existing market research is any indication, that is going to change very soon.
The One Sentence that Transforms Every Business Conversation from Awkward to Awesome

I am writing a book. I have no idea when I will finish writing the book or if and when it will be published, but I am writing a book. The thing is, this post? There is a whole chapter in the book dedicated to it. So isn’t this post redundant? Well, if this post is redundant, most of my talks, my blog posts, and my social updates are redundant. The way I see it, the book is the culmination of my thoughts on business, many of which I have shared elsewhere.
My Relationship Status with the New Facebook Newsfeed: It’s Complicated

By now you are likely aware of the latest BIG change taking place in the Facebook newsfeed. The social network is going back to its roots of focusing more on posts published by friends and family, and less on posts published by brand pages. This is all in an effort to make the Facebook experience more meaningful for users.
The Enter Button on your Keyboard, Please Use it with Caution for All Our Sakes

Here he goes again, one of his OCD rants… Yes, lately, I have gone on several rants in response to behavior I have witnessed in the business world. Like this post on email etiquette, or this post on phone calls in general, or this post on the way we communicate. The truth is, if you read that last post carefully, there would be no need for this one…