An Interview with Tomer Sharon, Senior User Experience Researcher at Google about UX, Mobile, and Life at Google

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A few weeks ago, I was fortunate enough to visit an old friend at Google, NY. Now why is that interesting? Because I call Tomer “An old friend” despite the fact that I had never met him. “Wow, you have a strange definition of friend” is probably what you’re thinking. Could very well be, but if you think about the nature of friendship, you will quickly realize that a friend is someone you learn from, someone you share experiences with, and someone you respect and, well, like. Such is Tomer.

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An Interview with Martin Bryant, Editor in Chief of The Next Web about Journalism, Print, and Wearables

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There are many tech blogs out there. Way too many. For us tech addicts, that means too much daily reading. But then there are the ones that stand out. The tech blogs that consistently put out top-notch work and do it without the need for stupid blogger politics, or an ego the size of south america. Of course that last part, the lack an ego that makes it difficult to work with them, really limits the bunch to a very few selected blogs. The Next Web is at the top of that list.

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How it Happened and What it Was Like to Spend Two Hours with Steve Wozniak, Founder of Apple

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Many years ago (ok, not that many but 5 years in virtual land is a lot!), I decided I was going to interview people who inspire me. Since then, I have been doing so as often as I can. Here are all my superstar interviews. When I first decided to try and reach these people, I set my goals quite high and even made myself laugh at the thought of ever accomplishing the goal of meeting and/or interviewing the Woz.

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How and Why to Interview Superstars with Twitter and Google+

By: Hillel Fuld

As you might have noticed, I have been posting interviews with some of the shakers of the Web and tech industries. This is something I started doing a while back.

While these interviews have been a great experience for me to learn from some of the biggest names out there, the main advantage has been the relationships I have created. I love the fact that I can DM Alyssa Milano or joke around with Robert Scoble. I have spoken to Mike McCue on the phone (he is just as nice as online), and I am always learning from Chris Pirillo. Why am I telling you this? Because, as awesome as it might sound to be able to communicate with these rock stars, I take no credit for myself, and I will explain why.

When trying to land every single one of the interviews below, I did not hire a PR agency or draft a professional email. I opened up Twitter, wrote to the person asking for an interview, and the rest is history. If you are not on Twitter yet, you are missing out on great potential, no matter what you do in life. Building relationships and creating a network is something everyone can benefit from and what better place to do it than Twitter?

In addition to the credit to Twitter as a platform, the people I have interviewed also deserve a shoutout. After all, they are all pretty important people with insanely busy schedules, and for every person mentioned below, there is one person who I tried to interview (Ahem, Zuckerberg), and am still awaiting a response from. The people below could have just as easily ignored my request, but they responded and responded positively. Trust me, none of these superstars needed the extra exposure or recognition that Technmarketing gave them. They did it because a person asked them for a favor, so for that, I thank them.

Here’s the list of interviews. Bookmark it, because I’ll be updating it as I add more.


An Interview with the Legendary Damian Burns, Google’s Director of Global Strategic Partnerships

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As you might have noticed, I like to interview people. Really important people. I literally made myself a list of individuals that I would one day, somehow, hope to have the privilege to interview. Some of them were a little out there. You know, people like the actress Alyssa Milano (remember Who’s the Boss? Good times.), Om Malik, the father of tech journalism, and even Steve Wozniak who founded this small company called Apple with his buddy Steve Jobs in their garage. I set myself some pretty high goals and so far, so good.

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iPhone 6: Say Goodbye to Cracked Screens, Scratched Displays, or Color Distortion of Any Kind

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Listen up, folks. I am not a big fan of product leaks or Apple rumors. I mean, we all know that prior to every big Apple launches of any kind, the rumor mill goes into high gear. How often are those rumors accurate? Not very often…

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The One Android Flaw that Kept me on iPhone but Is Now Fixed in Android L

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Listen, I have no intention of starting an iOS vs Android debate here so if that is why you opened this article, allow me to introduce you to the little X in the corner… I use an iPhone 5S as my daily phone and until recently, there was no way I was going to replace that with an Android device.

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How Favoriting a Tweet Has Replaced Retweeting as the Most Powerful Marketing Tool on Twitter

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Ok, I agree. Even I rolled my eyes after reading my own title. Sounds like another silly Twitter post trying to tell me that something as simple and trivial as a Twitter favorite is really a secret marketing tool. Sounds crazy, I know. I hope you change your mind after hearing me out.

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5 Marketing Gems I have Learned from Meeting Israeli Startups Every Day for Years

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Before we jump in, let me answer the obvious question. “Why have you been meeting Israeli startups every day for years?” Good question. Thought you’d never ask.

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10 of the Most Annoying Things People Have to Stop Doing on Social in 2014

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Gosh, I hate posts like this. Not only is it somewhat of a rant, and if you follow me online, you must have realized that I am highly allergic to negativity, but it is also about annoying things people do on the social web. So much has been said about it and again, nothing I dislike more than repeating what has already been said… Having said all that, this is, sadly, an important post for too many people.

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An Interview with Mathew Ingram of GigaOM on Journalism, Social, and The Next Big Thing

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Over the years, I have followed and connected with a whole lot of amazing people in the tech industry. In case you hadn’t noticed, I decided a while back that I wanted to do more than read their tweets, and started conducting interviews.

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