My New Macbook: How Does Apple Do It?

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unibody-finished20081014Just as Microsoft is finally getting their “I’m A PC” campaign going, your favorite blogger has officially become a Mac. I have been using my new 13′ Macbook for two weeks now, and I can safely say, “Wow”!

I have been thinking about this post and how I was going to write it for quite some time now. Do I focus on the transition between PC and Mac? Do I focus on the Mac’s advantages or disadvantages? Do I write about its brilliant software or its stunning hardware? As I am writing this, I do not yet have the answer to the question, what to focus on. So I guess I will just say it as it is.

I love my Mac, I love it much more than I ever loved any PC, whether it was a Dell, HP, or just a PC put together from different components. I think my love for it really stems from a combination of its looks and personality.  Obviously, what made the first impression was its exterior, and I am not ashamed to admit it. When I first saw the Mac, I was taken aback by its small size, sexy aluminum case, and I don’t know what it is about it, but I just love the Apple logo and how that’s all that is on the notebook. Like all of Apple’s products, its simplicity is its strongest selling point.


Then I opened it up. Before I even turned the thing on, I was blown away by its design. I don’t know how they do it, but this has to got be the only keyboard I would ever use the word “sexy” to describe. I know built in webcams are pretty standard, but the way this one is built in, is just so pretty. It took me a few seconds to find the Power button, I was used to a button button, like what can be found on most computers. The reason it took me so long to figure out how to turn on the Mac, is its power button that is flush with the surface of the body and is kinda like a touch sensitive button. Again, not many power buttons can be called sexy.

I once read that Apple delayed the release of a product because two of the screws on the bottom were not flush enough, and they wanted it to be before its release to the public. That dedication to perfection is apparent in every inch of this machine. This is all before I even turn it on.

Then came the powering on…Drum Roll please… The initial experience of configuring the Macbook is everything configuring a PC is not. It is fun, enjoyable, and lets you get a sneak peak at the cool graphics of the OS. It took me maybe 7 minutes, and I was up and running. The screen is nothing short of brilliant. Even to the point that my mother-in-law, who said upon seeing my new Macbook “Oh, you got a new iPod”, was impressed with the clarity of the display. 


I can literally go on forever about the beauty of this machine, but I feel like I am losing you, so let’s move on to the software. Let me just start by saying that prior to this experience, I had never touched Mac OS, never. Now, I have to admit, at the risk of sounding like an idiot, I expected the learning experience to be shorter. Everyone told me it will take no time to master it. I think the reason that was not the case for me is, unlike most users, I want to know everything about the OS before I am comfortable with it. I was able to use it right away but it took me close to 24 hours of use until I figured it all out.


Everything about the Mac OS is simpler, nicer, and more intelligent than Windows, period. I feel like stopping there, because that is all you really need to know, but of course I will elaborate a little. Once you are familiar with the concept of a dock, which by the way, Microsoft has adopted in Windows 7, you are pretty much half way there. In Mac OS, everything you need, is at the tip of your fingertips. Most of what you will need is in the dock, and if it isn’t, put it there. It is just the epitome of convenience. Now, here is where I think I should mention another tool that is nothing short of awesome. Anything you ever need on the Mac, I am talking an email, a picture, a document, anything, is easily accessible using Spotlight.

Spotlight is a very cool search tool for your Mac. It is just so easy to use, and so obvious, it just begs the question, “Why does Microsoft not have this built into Windows?”. It is like a highly advanced built in Google Desktop. 


Moving on, the other half of what one needs to relearn before using a Mac, is how to close applications. No more x on top right corner, that just minimizes the program in Mac OS. It took me some trial and error, but I think I am pretty used to the concept of quitting a program if I want to stop using it. 

One more thing I should mention is the trackpad in all its awesomeness. I watched the YouTube videos (see below) of the new trackpad and thought to myself “How will I ever remember all that”? I could not have been more wrong. The amount of time it took me to master the finger gestures, was similar to the amount of time it took me to master the click wheel iPod interface, i.e no time at all. I can’t explain it to you, but it is just so intuitive and genius, I absolutely love it.


Now, as you all know, nothing is perfect. So, where are its downsides? I would not call them downsides (I just did), but there are one or two things about the Macbook that could be enhanced. For starters, after using it for a few weeks, and seeing how everything about it is so awesome, I have much higher expectations from it, than any other computer I have used. Because of this reason, its battery life disappoints. Yes, it is leagues above my wife’s Thinkpad or my old HP, but I want it to last more than 3 hours. Maybe I am crazy, but I feel like with today’s technology, laptops should be able to last closer to 5 hours. 

This post has gotten way too long, and I feel like I have not even covered half, so consider this a first post in the “My New Macbook” series.


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Hillel Fuld is a global speaker, entrepreneur, journalist, vlogger, and leading startup advisor. He brings over a decade of marketing experience with leading Israeli and Silicon Valley startups, and currently collaborates with many global brands in an official marketing capacity including Google, Oracle, Microsoft, Huawei, and others.      Hillel covers the dynamic local tech scene for many leading publications including Entrepreneur magazine, Inc, TechCrunch, Mashable, The Next Web, Business Insider, The Huffington Post, Venturebeat, and others. Additionally, Hillel mentors startups across Israel in different accelerators including The Google Launchpad, the Microsoft Ventures accelerator, Techstars, The Junction, and more.    Hillel has been named Israel’s top marketer, 7th top tech blogger worldwide, has been featured on CNBC, Inc, and was dubbed by Forbes as “The Man Transforming Startup Nation into Scale-up Nation”.       Hillel has hundreds of thousands of followers across the social web and can be found on Twitter at @Hilzfuld. You can learn more about him on his website:


15 thoughts on “My New Macbook: How Does Apple Do It?

  1. Yea, yea, just focus your energy on blowing away Barcelona now with Flyscreen, then what color Beemer you are getting me…

  2. But you really don’t have to give up using a Windows machine. I’ve got Windows XP on my MacBook Pro in BootCamp and whenever I feel like using Windows, I just reboot. I also have VMWare Fusion and if it don’t mind working a little slower, I can easily launch that while in OSX. However I do prefer using BootCamp and the reboot doesn’t bother me much at all.

    So at least Apple gives you a choice. You’re not forced to give up Windows cold turkey and if you have a program that requires Windows, you won’t be left out in the cold. Apple computers have everything going for them except price but I think customer support makes up for that difference.

  3. Hi Constable.
    Thanks for that. I am running Parallels, is VMware better in your opinion? Why? I am now considering using boot camp.

  4. Running Windows on a Mac is like going to a Mikvah while holding a dead Sheretz.

    If you understand this analogy, you deserve all kinds of geek cred.


  5. Eli, thanks for that, nice analogy, although I totally disagree. I love my Mac, although I am sure you already know that, and I run Parallels. There is no debating that there are many tools out there that are not YET Mac compatible. I for one need many things for my work that I cannot dl on a Mac. Anyway, if I may ask, do we know each other? Whats your last name?

  6. I know, I was just kidding. Though technically, that was a similie not an analogy :). I run XP through Boot Camp myself. The only way to really get my Harmony One Universal Remote to work as the Mac software that comes with it is terrible.

  7. Transitioning over to “full time” Mac user will be the next step, or steps. I’m sure you’ll find equivilent apps to do on OS X what you currently do on Windows. Put your list of Windows needs out there … I’m sure many will pitch in with Mac equivilents.

    I switched to Mac in 2003 (from linux from Windows) and don’t need any Windows software, ever. If I did, then I’d be running Windows as my primary OS because I am a pragmatist computer user not constrained by Mac, GNU/Linux, nor Windows. Choose the right tool for the right job. Increasingly, for me, the right tool is the iPhone … cloud computing only strengthens device independence (instead it locks you in to a choice of service provider, perhaps?)

  8. I have both the new macbook and the thinkpad t400. In terms of pure performance t400 flat out wins, with 6hr battery life and same weight as the macbook while retaining bigger/higher resolution 14in screen. Oh yeah, it has more ports and memory card reader as well.

    The part where the macbook trumps t400 would be the operating system. There’s no getting around it. The only reason to use vista is to play games. I need to jump through all sorts of crazy hoops when getting mathematical simulation programs/toolsets to work. None of the popular scripting languages come with the OS, and there’s no such thing as apt-get which drives me crazy.

    Microsoft went out of their way to turn vista into something that’s usable only when you don’t do anything with it… It’s like they are pouring millions of dollars into driving their brand into the ground.

  9. Hillel, this sums up my second Mac experience two years ago. I say second, because, like most other people my age who went to college in the US in the 1980s, we bought an Apple computer (an Apple II in my case) from the college bookstore at a discount at graduation. I loved that Apple II, but eventually switched because the Dell PC was such a better computer in the early 90s. Why do I love the Mac the second time around so much more than I ever enjoyed the Dell? NO VIRUSES. That trumps it all for me. No more screaming because the system is down or crying because some worm crashed my hard drive…and let me also say that I hope I haven’t now cursed myself. But aside from all the beauty in the user experience, don’t forget the user experience is also tied to the beauty of the lack of viruses. Let’s hope that continues. Great post.

  10. I totally disagree. I tried the Mac and never felt comfortable in it. Sure, I could do everything, but it took me so much longer to figure out how to do things I was already familiar with on the PC. Maybe it’s a different feeling for those that just write word documents, send emails and browse the web.

    I also couldn’t care less about the way the Mac looks. Although, I’m also not the person that wants to drive the nice car so that everyone sees me driving a nice car. I’m guessing that’s you.

  11. Egads John, just can’t stop with the autoexec bat stuff can you. Notice Vista and W7 look more and more like the Mac OS? I wonder why?

    If you really did use your computer for other an word docs, you would notice the greatly reduced eye strain, rsi and reduced stress from using a Mac. The graphics isn’t just beauty its easier on the eyes and the brain.

    Keep using junk, I have a chevrolet junker you can have, just come pick it up.

  12. Dear all,

    I’m an experience notebook user for the past 15 years and recently bought macbook white with intel 2.26 CPU snow leopard. What I would like to comment is that I really love my macbook more than all PCs and PCs notebook/netbook in the whole world. Since then I stop using PC or PC notebook/netbook. Suggestion: Apple shall produce a more highest quality computers with affordable price.


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