First of all, let me say, I am a big fan. I was not one of the early Apple users who had an Apple product before it was “cool”, but ever since I got my Macbook over a year ago, I am now what they call a “fanboy”. I own numerous iPods and other Apple products, and I have been known to argue the point, specifically regarding the iPhone, that despite its shortcomings, it remains the most advanced mobile platform to date.
Steve Jobs
The iPhone 3GS Does Not Disappoint
So, as you probably saw from my last post, I was watching this year’s WWDC very closely. Like many other people, I was very excited to see and hear what Apple would do this time. They started off by introducing their new Macbook lineup, which basically renamed any Macbook made out of aluminum and called them all Macbook Pros. This is a very interesting move and I hope it is an indication that something is on the way, something in the form of a tablet.
Leave Steve Jobs Alone
So this is the deal people, I feel the need to post my feelings about the whole Steve Jobs saga not because I am some expert on stock prices but I think people are taking this too far.
1. LEAVE THE MAN ALONE – he is sick, let him be with his family, give him some quiet, he is human.
2. He says that he is still going to be involved on all major decisions, so don’t worry.
3. I’m sure that Jobs hired a very qualified staff to work with him, you don’t need to worry about the company going under.
4. He did this because he wants to downplay his absence but he will still be in the background.
Apple will be fine without him- maybe they should hire Jerry Yang, I hear he is looking for work 🙂
– Aryeh