“People Are Awesome”. Indeed!

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This post is not about Apple, Google, or even Twitter, it is about people. The below video is a collection of some of the most amazing things people have done on video. It is an absolute must-watch, it is sure to blow your mind.

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The BlackBerry Tablet a.k.a RIM Playbook in Action

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The competition is heating up and the last numbers I read as recently as yesterday indicate that Apple has officially surpassed RIM in world smartphone market share. The mobile horizon is not what it was even a few months ago with Android devices popping up faster than you can name them, the iPhone and iPad selling like Hot cakes, Windows Phone 7 getting some more than decent reviews, and Nokia trying its best at the touch screen game.

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Apple is Crushing it and Jobs Is Loving it

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At a tech event I was at yesterday, one of the many conversations you heard echoing through the hall was the old Android vs. iPhone debate. I have to admit I took part in many of these conversations mainly on the side of tablets and less in regard to smartphones. I already wrote about why one would prefer a Galaxy Tab (Android tablet) over an iPad, and I am personally looking forward to getting my hands on the Galaxy Tab so I can do a real side by side comparison.

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An Interview with Chris Brogan on Blogging, Social Media, and Passing Fads

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It’s that time again, time to interview one of the people who have and continue to influence my online life. Chris Brogan is one of the most well known authors, speakers, bloggers, experts (I think you get the point) on the topic of, as his About page puts it, “Business communication and social software technologies”. His blog ChrisBrogan.com, which he started in 1998, has become one of the most read blogs on the worldwide Web and he is also a New York Times best selling co author of Trust Agents.

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Windows Phone 7: A New Ad for a New Mobile Philosophy

By: Hillel Fuld

Windows Phone 7, the latest Microsoft attempt at a mobile platform was released today. I wrote down some of my thoughts prior to the launch here and my initial impressions of the operating system here.

Whether Windows Phone 7 will become a success or not is yet to be seen but with 9 devices, some with extremely impressive specs, the Windows Phone 7 launch managed to impressive even the most skeptical geeks among us.

Putting aside all the geek talk, anyone can appreciate a good commercial and Microsoft nailed it with their new Windows Phone ad. Take a look and let me know what you think in the comments. That is, what you think of the ad and/or the platform.

Update: Some people on Twitter are claiming Microsoft stole the concept from the below video that has been circulating the Web for some time now. What do you think?


Why the New Facebook Groups Suck on So Many Levels

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If you were online yesterday, you most likely heard that Facebook held an event in their headquarters to make some big announcement. After the resulting rumors by every leading online publication, Facebook announced three new features.

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The Irrelevant Questions Entrepreneurs Have to Answer (VIDEO)

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If you have been hanging out on Twitter lately, chances you have come across this video about Apple fanboys (NSFW language). I cannot remember a video that made me laugh as much as that one did. I was therefore excited to watch this new one, made with the same platform and quite possibly the same person.

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The First Truly Interactive Ad in a Newspaper! (VIDEO)

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This is up there with the coolest uses of modern technology that I have ever seen. You need to watch this video to believe what Axa, a Belgium insurance company, did to promote their iPhone app.

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What Really Happens When you Fill out a CAPTCHA (VIDEO)

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OK, how annoying are CAPTCHAs? If you do not know what the heck I am talking about, CAPTCHAs are those words you need to write on sites like Facebook and recently LinkedIn in order to prove you are human. You know the ones that you can rarely read yourself? Yes, they are annoying and have become quite a burden on the heavy Web surfer, but truth be told, filling out a word or two is a whole lot better than spammers taking over the Web.

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A New Nokia N8 Promo Video

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Nokia is a mobile manufacturer that causes a lot of heated debate. On the one hand, due to their tremendous presence in emerging markets, they have the largest market share in the mobile industry. On the other hand, many will claim that while the N95 was great in its time, the company has not innovated much since. Nokia’s stubborn philosophy of sticking with Symbian and not moving on to something bigger and better like let’s say Android, or even Maemo might b e viewed as a big mistake with all the advanced mobile operating systems out there.

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A BlackBerry Addict’s Experience Switching to iPhone 4

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This is one of the most challenging posts I have ever written. Most people in my circles have been using an iPhone for years. I have not. I stuck with BlackBerry throughout all the different versions of the iPhone because I always found some crucial features missing from the Apple device. If I was going to give up my beloved BlackBerry Bold (not being sarcastic there, I love that phone), it was not going to be for a phone with no copy/paste, a 2 mp camera, or a device with no video capture capabilities.

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