By: Hillel Fuld
Been a few weeks since I posted one of these as I was away on vacation. All I can say is, what a month to choose for a vacation. This month will definitely go down in the books as one of, if not the, craziest month in tech history. Where do we start? I think I summed it up pretty well in this tweet from last week. Everyone who is anyone in tech had something to announce this month. Google, Facebook, HP, Motorola, Apple, Amazon, and Linkedin are just some of the companies that made some noise over the past month.
You can read about it all in the links below:
BlackBerry Playbook vs Apple iPad: My review of the BlackBerry Playbook as it compares to the iPad. Guess what? There is no clear winner.
7 Year Old iOS App Developer: You know Apple did something right if a 7 year old kid can create an iOS app and do so well that he can now invest money in his 6 year old sister’s app.
iPhone 5: Here are all the rumors of the upcoming iPhone 5 in a two minute video done very well.
Steve Jobs: As you probably know, Jobs gave in his resignation letter and the web went nuts. This post sums up the man perfectly, a true perfectionist and an extraordinary human being.
More iPhone 5: Yes, everyone is talking about the upcoming iPhone 5, but the guy who made this video took those rumors to a whole new level.
Another iPhone-Controlled Helicopter: I gotta get myself one of these bad boys!
Windows Phone hits 30,000 Apps: While most people are pretty pessimistic about the new Windows Phone platform, the traction it is showing seems to indicate it will surprise us all.
Microsoft Pouncing on WebOS Developers: An aggressive yet smart move on Microsoft’s part to bring WebOS developers over to their platform after HP’s surprising announcement.
Facebook Released a Standalone Messaging App: The king of the social web was quite busy this month with new privacy options, new photo UI, and this app, which has many people speculating about the death of SMS.
88 People You Must Follow On Twitter: One of the most confusing parts of Twitter is finding people to follow. This list will give you an awesome head start.
Google Bought Motorola, but Why? The search king surprised us all with a weird and costly acquisition of Motorola Mobility. Then came all the theories, although something tells me Google itself is not sure what to do with its new $12.5 billion toy.
Android is mainly used by Men: A new inneractive infographic sheds some interesting light on the usage of mobile apps among the two genders.
HP kills WebOS and Hitler is NOT Happy About it: By now, you have probably seen at least one of these Hitler movies talking about one topic or another. This one is great if you want to learn a little more about the mobile space and the HP announcement to kill WebOS and the Touchpad.
Amazon Web Service Zone Struck By Lightning: Yes, what are the chances of that? The result of this event was the immediate crash of many huge sites and services. inneractive was in good company.
Android Developer Accusing Amazon of Scamming Him: Without taking sides, this story is pretty unbelievable and if even half of it is true, Amazon Appstore is trouble.
The new Linkedin iOS app: This app released last week set a new bar for mobile apps and their design.
Seinfeld nails it in this video: RIM seems to be working hard to maintain its brand with new devices, a new OS, and some impressive plans for the future. Seinfeld talks about the typical BlackBerry user and their total lack of table manners. Old but still relevant and hysterical.
My BlackBerry is Not Working: Another older video that will give you a good chuckle about the tech space. Apple, Orange, BlackBerry, Mango, and others. Are you seeing a pattern?
Skype announced it is buying GroupMe: Just like every tech acquisition, the rumors are flying, but Skype is going to have to do a lot more than just make a few acquisitions if they want to maintain their VoIP dominance.
And there you have it folks, like I said, was a busy month!
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