The Only Thing Instagram Stories Killed for Me is… Instagram

Instagram stories, Snapchat, yada yada. So much has been said about Zuck’s repetitive and systematic ripping off of Snapchat so I will not be adding to that echo chamber. Before I talk about how the launch of Instagram Stories affected my personal usage of both platforms, I would like to talk a little bit about the phenomenon of copying. It sucks. No, really. Speaking as someone who has been plagiarized and blatantly copied, it royally bites.


An Interview with Saul Singer, Co-Author of the Book ‘Startup Nation’ and One of Israel’s Greatest Thinkers

Over the years, I have done quite a few killer interviews and I am very proud of the long list. Having said that, the opportunity to have interviewed Saul Singer is definitely at the top of my list. If you are not familiar (how are you not familiar?), Saul wrote the book “Startup Nation” along with his brother in law, Dan Senor.


10 of the Most Annoying Things People Have to Stop Doing on Social in 2014

Gosh, I hate posts like this. Not only is it somewhat of a rant, and if you follow me online, you must have realized that I am highly allergic to negativity, but it is also about annoying things people do on the social web. So much has been said about it and again, nothing I dislike more than repeating what has already been said… Having said all that, this is, sadly, an important post for too many people.