Come on Microsoft – Who Made This?

Microsoft released a new product called Songsmith, an application that helps you write your own songs for PC only. In concept it’s a cute app but after you watch this ad I wouldn’t go near it, ever. Besides the fact that the ad is incredibly painful, they use a MacBook Pro as the computer they are demonstrating the program on. They try to cover it up with a few stickers, but this is really shocking. Who is responsible for this ad???


Source- TechCrunch

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The President’s Smartphone

According to ABC World News, Obama is going to be able to keep his BlackBerry for private emails, but all official government business has to be handled on this bad boy  the Sectera Edge, an NSA approved smartphone.


This phone is one of the many reasons why I don’t want to be president of the United States.


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Leave Steve Jobs Alone

So this is the deal people, I feel the need to post my feelings about the whole Steve Jobs saga not because I am some expert on stock prices but I think people are taking this too far.

1. LEAVE THE MAN ALONE – he is sick, let him be with his family, give him some quiet, he is human.

2. He says that he is still going to be involved on all major decisions, so don’t worry.

3. I’m sure that Jobs hired a very qualified staff to work with him, you don’t need to worry about the company going under.

4. He did this because he wants to downplay his absence but he will still  be in the background.

Apple will be fine without him- maybe they should hire Jerry Yang, I hear he is looking for work 🙂

– Aryeh

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Keynote Remote Application

By Lior Yanny


It took me a while to overcome my expectations and disappointment from Apple’s latest keynote on January 6th, 2009. With rumors of new Apple products, such as an iPhone Nano, a netbook, a new Mac Mini,  and an official Apple Space Shuttle, my expectations from the keynote were higher then the American people’s expectations from Barak Obama.

Nevertheless, I decided to make the best out of the new releases and downloaded iWork 09 for my Macbook Air and the Keynote Remote Application for my iPhone 3G. As someone who loves to give presentations and lectures, creating effective presentations was always my goal. Over the last year, I started using Keynote from time to time, when the only reason for a non-intensive use was the lack of proper Hebrew support. Other than that, all of my English presentations were created with Keynote on my Mac. While giving the presentations, I used the Apple Remote with a program called Remote Buddy and of course my personal presentation skills. As I always said, gadgets and presentations will never replace a good presenter. On the other hand, a good presenter will always know how to use gadgets and presentations to enhance his own performance.

So I started playing with the Keynote application. The pairing process was very simple and intuitive  over a wireless network. Such networks can be created with the new macs very easily, which makes it effective in case you do not have a wireless network around you. The process takes about 5 seconds to understand and implement.

After pairing the devices, there is a very limited number of options, which include the choice between a landscape or portrait view. Both of the views have their advantages:

Landscape – The landscape view presents 2 slides. The slide on the left is the current slide shown on the board, while the slide on the right is the next action and not necessarily the next slide (e.g. if we have a white slide with one sentence that pops up when we click the mouse, the left slide will be an empty slide, while the right slide will include the sentence). The transition between the actions is done by sliding the right slide to the left with your finger. The changes occur on the screen immediately.


Portrait – The portrait view includes one slide at a time. In order to perform a click, you just need to drag the slide to the left with your finger. If you are a notes person, Apple has been thinking about you. The portrait option includes your notes built in to your iPhone application.


Unlike the Remote Buddy application, the Keynote Remote does not include the option to program different kinds of behaviors and actions, and includes only the basics, such as: first slide, previous slide and settings view. There is no doubt that Apple’s general approach of keeping things simple is also the strategy behind this product, no matter how sophisticated the presentation is.

Personally, I find this application to be very intuitive and effective, although it might draw some attention from your audience while you are presenting cuz how many people  make presentations with their iPhone or iPod touch?


Just to summarize, here is a list of pros and cons:

Pros – Easy to use, very intuitive, lets you see the slides without looking at the screen, includes 2 kind of views and makes you look cool and techie.

Cons – Wifi might be a bit slow sometimes, it supports only Keynote, which requires a mac. Oh, and you have to have an iPhone or iPod touch. This program will not help you if you are a BAD presenter, as a matter of fact, it will decrease your performance.


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Twittastic: The Best Twitter Desktop Program

Hey All,

I have been using Twitter for some time now and I’ve been trying out different desktop clients. Some of them include Tweetdeck , Twhirl and others. I have found that they are all  over packed with features that the average user will never use.  All the features make the interface very crowded and  hard to use.

Twittastic to the rescue!

Twittastic is an easy to use client that looks like the Web-based Twitter. It has many cool features that do not overload the interface. These include:

  • Drag and drop image uploads to
  • Take screenshots of parts of your screen and upload. Double click required.
  • Capture your webcam and send straight to Twitpic.
  • Infinite scrolling into past messages using a database. You can leave it running overnight.
  • Drag and drop file uploads straight into
  • One click short URLs. Reads what you have copied and pastes the result.
  • Text based emoticons as seen here.
  • Ability to shut up for 30′ minutes. So you can brainstorm undistracted.

The developer is a funny guy. You can follow him at

It’s light and easy to use with a single downside; no MAC version.

Check it out –



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3G iPhone Unlock – Live Demo

News update posted on

This week’s DevTeam Funday features a live demo of yellowsn0w!

MuscleNerd will use Qik to broadcast a live video and audio stream (from an iPhone 2G) of an iPhone 3G being soft-unlocked with yellowsn0w. He’s in Florida for the holidays so there won’t actually be any snow in the live demo (although strangely enough if he were back home in Los Angeles he’d be very close to snow this week!).

Qik creates a chatroom for its videos but it may not be feasible to field questions live from the chatroom. So if you have a question that hasn’t already been answered in our previous blog posts, please tweet them in advance to Musclenerd.

We’re aiming to do the live demo in about 12 hours, or 3PM EST. The actual URL will be tweeted via MuscleNerd’s twitter account just as it starts.

Hope to see you there!