Most people still think Israel can’t do consumer technologies. These 16 companies founded and based in Israel might make you reconsider that position. Read more…
16 Tech Companies that Prove Israel Knows How to Scale Consumer Products

Most people still think Israel can’t do consumer technologies. These 16 companies founded and based in Israel might make you reconsider that position. Read more…
At a tech event I was at yesterday, one of the many conversations you heard echoing through the hall was the old Android vs. iPhone debate. I have to admit I took part in many of these conversations mainly on the side of tablets and less in regard to smartphones. I already wrote about why one would prefer a Galaxy Tab (Android tablet) over an iPad, and I am personally looking forward to getting my hands on the Galaxy Tab so I can do a real side by side comparison.
I do not dedicate a new post to every Android phone that is announced, that would be pretty difficult. However, some phones are just that good, and they deserve a special mention. I had a few minutes to play with a Samsung Galaxy S last night and was blown away. The phone really impressed me on all levels, hardware and software. My only thought after using the Galaxy S was, “What else could they possibly come up with?”
Twitter usage on mobile phones is exploding in popularity. According to comScore, Twitter usage over mobile has grown almost 350% in the last year alone. Unsurprisingly, mobile Twitter apps have begun sprouting up like mushrooms. With so many choices, it can be confusing to figure out which Twitter app is best for you and your phone. To get you sorted, we’ve put together a list of our top 5 favorite mobile Twitter apps.
A few days ago I was fortunate enough to receive a nice surprise from Nokia, their flagship Maemo mobile device, the Nokia N900. To be honest, I had lowered my expectations for the device as a result of a friend’s opinion, who told me I was not going to like the phone. Before I get into details about the phone with all its shortcomings and industry-leading features and specifications, let me just state in one sentence that overall I am extremely pleased with the device and pleasantly surprised by its endless capabilities.
All this talk about the Nexus One and the Droid has had two effects on me. For starters, after playing with the Nexus One, I am now 100% convinced that I want one. The phone is extremely impressive both in terms of its hardware and software. It is surpisingly thin and the screen is gigantic, relatively speaking. The entire phone is made out of some sort of rubberized material I have not seen before. In terms of the processor, the Nexus responds extremely fast, way faster than any other phone I have used, but then again, I have never used a Snapdragon device.
I hesitated for days before writing this post because this topic is just so overblogged already that it has gotten borderline boring. Having said that, I am now strongly considering replacing my Bold with an iPhone 3Gs, and almost everyone that has heard that has asked me the same question: “Why not get the Google phone?” As I write this post, I honestly do not know the reasons that will appear below as for why I am not going to get a Nexus One, but one thing is for sure, I am not.
I feel like I am writing new posts all the time about phones that are supposed to beat the iPhone at becoming the world’s most advanced mobile platform. Today’s candidate is the new and extremely hyped Google phone or the Nexus One.
If you have been paying attention, you surely know by now that the competition between the major mobile players will be won by the player who offers the best software experience. I have written about this on many occasions, so I will not go into it again, but let’s just say that razer thin does not matter anymore, what matters is user experience, operating system, and most importantly quantity and quality of available apps.
If you have not been paying attention, I am taking part in a Samsung Galaxy Mccann Digital campaign, in which 5 bloggers review a total of 100 Android apps in 4 days. This is the last of my reviews. However, before I get into the apps, I want to thank Nir Refuah from Mccann Digital for this campaign and Yael Goren, who was the person corresponding with us throughout the campaign. Both displayed high professionalism, and it was a privilege to work with them on this, and I hope to have the chance to work with them again in the future (I will even do it without a free phone next time, that’s how much I like you guys :))
As I explained yesterday, I am fortunate enough to be participating in Samsung and Mcann Digital’s new campaign for the awesome new Samsung Galaxy phone. As you probably know, it is an Android based phone, which means that unlike the iPhone, any app can be developed and offered in the App Market, no need for anyone’s strict approval process. The task given to me and 4 other bloggers is to review 100 Android apps collectively over the next 3 days. Each blogger took 20 apps of their choice to review and posted their opinion on their own blogs as well as Samsung’s blog.