What Really Happens When you Fill out a CAPTCHA (VIDEO)

OK, how annoying are CAPTCHAs? If you do not know what the heck I am talking about, CAPTCHAs are those words you need to write on sites like Facebook and recently LinkedIn in order to prove you are human. You know the ones that you can rarely read yourself? Yes, they are annoying and have become quite a burden on the heavy Web surfer, but truth be told, filling out a word or two is a whole lot better than spammers taking over the Web.


Exclusive Interview with Richard Barley: Community Manager of Tweetdeck

Working as Community Manager for a company with millions of users is not a simple task. You need to walk the fine line of being overly professional and therefore boring, and on the flip side, too personal and amateurish. Richard Barley, the Community Manager of Tweetdeck does this perfectly. Anyone who has ever had a question about Tweetdeck knows they can ask him on Twitter and except a response within seconds. Richard keeps his audience interested and displays a high level of professionalism in his work.


Sean Percival, VP Marketing of MySpace Talks about Web, iPad, Photoshop, and Cleaning Toilets

In the name of full transparency, I am just going to say that I am not a big music guy and I am therefore not a heavy MySpace user. Having said that, I connected with Sean on Twitter without even knowing who he was and only after a few conversations, I checked out his bio. Suffice to say, I was pretty surprised at how such a down-to-earth kind of guy can be playing such a central role on the Web. Sean is great and you will probably agree after reading his answers.


Ten Crucial Features Missing from the New Twitter

I Just got the new Twitter and there is really no question that it is a huge improvement over the old one. Having said that, the comparison to the old Twitter is irrelevant, that is not what it is here to compete with. The new Twitter can and should only be compared to Twitter clients such as Tweetdeck and Seesmic. Since I am a huge Tweetdeck fan, I am going to talk about the experience the new Twitter provides as compared to that of Tweetdeck.


Scobleizer on Google, Facebook, Location, iPad, and Android

As you might have noticed, I have been trying to land interviews with some of the main people that inspired me over the years, mainly in the tech space. Robert Scoble has to be number one on that list. The guy is a legend in the tech world yet he does not let it go to his head at all and spends time talking to people like me on Twitter and even IM. He is one of the nicest people I have met in the industry, and that in and of itself is amazing given everything he has accomplished. Yes, most people of his stature will not give the little person the time of day.


Producteev Does the Impossible: It Makes Managing your Tasks Enjoyable

Let me tell you a little story. As a tech blogger, I get a lot of different tech-related questions throughout the day. “What phone should I get?” “LCD or Plasma?” “What is the best Twitter app for Android?” and those are just the questions I received today. A few weeks back I got a question I have never been asked before; an old friend emailed me asking what the best Web-based task management software is.


Everything You Need to Know about Twitter and Tweeting

This post is going to be a little different. Over the past two years, ever since I joined Twitter (Follow me here), I, along with many people I know, have had a lot of questions about the micro blogging service. I have tried to cover the topic from all possible angles, and when I am asked about Twitter, I generally send the person asking an email with a whole long list of links to posts I have written.