The Dreadful Questions Investors Ask and the Right Answers from Entrepreneurs who’ve Raised Millions

If you are an investor, and you are reading this, surely you will recognize some of the questions below. If you are an entrepreneur, you are reading this, these questions will be like knives in your eyes. Now, to be clear, I am not saying that these questions are not legitimate, they are, well, at least most of them are. What I’m saying is, they are painful for every entrepreneur to hear, and answer.


Five Terms Startups Use Incorrectly on a Daily Basis and What They Really Mean

Well, this sure is a blog post long overdue. You see, in my line of work, which is a combination of CMO/Co Founder of a startup (ZCast), tech blogger (on this blog and many others like TechCrunch, Business Insider, The Next Web, Huffington Post, Venturebeat, The Street, Mashable, and GigaOM to name a few), startup advisor (working in an advisory role with some of Israel’s leading startups), and mentor at pretty much all of Israel’s accelerators, I see a LOT of startups. Like an obscene amount of startups.