Most people still think Israel can’t do consumer technologies. These 16 companies founded and based in Israel might make you reconsider that position. Read more…
16 Tech Companies that Prove Israel Knows How to Scale Consumer Products

Most people still think Israel can’t do consumer technologies. These 16 companies founded and based in Israel might make you reconsider that position. Read more…
One of the many perks of doing what I do, (What do I do anyway?) is that I am fortunate to meet people every day from whom I learn and gain expertise in what it means to be a great entrepreneur.
Anyway, beyond trying to help entrepreneurs that I meet, there are some companies with whom I take our relationship to the next level. I am fortunate to be working with some truly remarkable companies, all of which you can see and read about on my site, but speaking of site, a few months ago, I met Syte (sorry, couldn’t help myself.)
It happened. After months of gradually lowering my activity on Snapchat and paying close attention to the amount of Snap spam I get on a daily basis, I finally deleted the app from my iPhone’s home screen, which for all intents and purposes means, I just quit Snap.
My name is Hillel Fuld and I am, and have been the world’s biggest sucker for the better part of the past decade.
If you are an investor, and you are reading this, surely you will recognize some of the questions below. If you are an entrepreneur, you are reading this, these questions will be like knives in your eyes. Now, to be clear, I am not saying that these questions are not legitimate, they are, well, at least most of them are. What I’m saying is, they are painful for every entrepreneur to hear, and answer.
There are three types of people, those who love Casey Neistat, those who don’t get Casey Neistat, and those who live under a rock and have never heard of Casey Neistat.
So much has been said and written about the absurd world of entrepreneurship and startups, A whole TV show has been created that depicts most of the absurdities pretty accurately.
Well, this sure is a blog post long overdue. You see, in my line of work, which is a combination of CMO/Co Founder of a startup (ZCast), tech blogger (on this blog and many others like TechCrunch, Business Insider, The Next Web, Huffington Post, Venturebeat, The Street, Mashable, and GigaOM to name a few), startup advisor (working in an advisory role with some of Israel’s leading startups), and mentor at pretty much all of Israel’s accelerators, I see a LOT of startups. Like an obscene amount of startups.