An Interview with Mark Gurman, the Man Best Known for His Legendary Apple Scoops

Ok, so this is crazy exciting for me. Not only have I not done this type of interview in a long time, way too long (You can see my previous interviews here), but Mark Gurman is somewhat of a legend to me, and millions of others. You know all those Apple scoops and leaks you read about on the web? The leaked images of the next iPhone, the Apple rumors that have become somewhat of an industry in an of itself? Mark is the man who always brings that information to us. The man is Mr. Scoop himself!


How and Why I Started Vlogging Via A Whole String of Crazy Stories

What an insane week it has been! You see, my professional bucket list is not all that long, and it is not that long for one simple reason, I try to cross things off. When I want to accomplish something big, I start small, sometimes fail, but I usually try. Some of the items that have occupied space on that list in the past include building relationships with legends such as Steve Wozniak and Marc Andreessen. Done and Done.